Helpful Resources About Trading Stocks & Options

Buy long a stock: trader wants the asset to go higher for a profit
Sell short a stock: trader wants the asset to go lower for a profit
Selling short a stock entails trader to borrow a stock from the brokerage for a small interest fee and returns the stock to the brokerage firm when they buy it back and no longer have the position.
Terms on selling short:
ETB: Means easy to borrow
HTB: Means hard to borrow
NTB: Means not to borrow

Glossary of Option Strategies
Buy call- right to be long underlying asset
Sell call- obligation to be short underlying asset at call buyer's discretion
Buy put- right to be short underlying asset
Sell put- obligation to be long underlying asset at buyer's discretion
Buy call with low strike price, sell higher strike price call
Buy put with high strike price, sell lower strike price
Buy one low and high strike price option; sell two middle price options
Buy one low and high strike price option; buy two middle options
Buy low and high priced call (or puts) sell two different middle price calls
Sell low and priced calls (or puts) buy two different middle price puts
Buy put and call with same strike price
Sell put and call with same strike price
Buy put and call with different strike price
Sell put and call with different strike price
Buy lower strike price call, sell higher strike price calls
Buy higher strike price put, sell lower strike price puts
Sell lower strike price call, buy higher strike price call
Sell higher strike price put, buy lower strike price put