
Education Trading Lab Packages

The Starter Package

  • Two hours for $390.00
  • First-time students get one extra hour free ($195.00 value)
    with your discount certificate.

The Getting Your Feet Wet Package

  • Seven hours for $975.00
  • Buy more save more with a savings of $390.00

The Diving In Package

  • 14 hours for $1950.00
  • Savings value of $780.00

The Big Kahuna Package

  • 27 hours $3705.00
  • Savings value of $1560.00

The Elite Trading Package

  • One and a half hours, two times a week
  • For one year $28000.00
  • Savings value $2420.00
  • Zero interest on flexible payment plan available
  • Includes a free hour each month the following year.
Payment Plan Options

One on One with the Founder/Chairman/

  • Minimum 3 hours
  • $1000 per hour
  • Which equals to $3000
  • Savings $500
  • Cost $2500

The Starter Package

  • This is a one-hundred percent rules-based strategy.
  • Learning how to navigate an electronic trading platform at a discount brokerage firm.
  • Get set up on the paper trading platform.
  • Learn candlestick charting, as well as what certain groupings of candles mean at a particular price.
  • Price discovery: where an asset or option has been in the past and has turned on big volume at a certain level on the charts.

The Getting Your Feet Wet

  • We begin the process on how to set up a trade. Either long or short.
  • Getting the chart set up with the highest probability of success and low risk.
  • We get our price levels from the top to the bottom of a daily chart, based on unusually big moves, coupled with big volume in a particular asset or derivative.
  • It starts with our proprietary methodology. Then we add some technical indicators, provided by the online platform of your choice, to help us better understand price action in the asset, or option that we are planning on trading.

The Diving In

  • Now, we learn how to plan a trade and execute that plan with a predetermined entry, target, and stop loss.
  • Using our platform, coupled with technical indicators, we start the process of calculating the entry, target, and stop.
  • Now, we learn if the risk to reward measurement works on our recently planned setup. We need to have at least a three to one risk to reward ratio to mitigate risk.
  • Now, we start to dive in with our trade setup, to go either long or short with all of our tools.

The Big Kahuna Package

  • This is when we start putting our work into action.
  • This is done through practicing in trading simulations, such as paper trading.
  • Trading simulations will go through multiple asset classes and options. Simulations will also go through training on how to place advanced orders.
  • We will track your success throughout the paper trading process, in real time.
  • The strategy we will be using is called swing trading.
  • A typical swing trade lasts between 7 to 21 days.
  • In the Big Kahuna, we will now begin to teach our option program and how our stock process helps us with our option price discovery. In options, it’s known as price, time, and momentum.
  • Now, the prudent money management process begins.

The Elite Trading Package

  • Now that we have active positions on our paper trading platform, we now begin to learn the trailing stop process as our trade becomes more profitable. The more times we adjust our stop, the more profit we are locking in.
  • How to mitigate risk as an asset gets oversold or overbought. If the asset or derivative has not hit our target.
  • How to figure out expected price in an option, at a specific stock price.
  • Planning short-term trades in the options market, with an entry, target, and stop.
  • Planning multiple options strategies, both long and short, depending on volatility and the duration we are looking to hold.